Open Access BASE2018

ПРАВОВА ПРИРОДА ОБҐРУНТОВАНОЇ КОМПЕНСАЦІЇ ЗА НАДАННЯ ПОСЛУГ ЗАГАЛЬНОГО ЕКОНОМІЧНОГО ІНТЕРЕСУ ; The legal nature of reasonable compensation for the provision of services of general economic interest


У статті досліджується правова природа послуг загального економічного інтересу. Проаналізовано національне законодавство, законодавство Європейського Союзу, а також практика Суду ЄС у даній сфері. За результатами проведеного дослідження запропоновано шляхи вдосконалення законодавства України в частині встановлення компенсації обґрунтованих витрат на надання таких послуг. ; The article investigates the legal nature of services of general economic interest. It is noted that the domestic experience of legal regulation of the investigated sphere testifies to the ignoring of the European practice of application of the rules of SGEI, which provokes contradictions with the norms of EU legislation, as well as incorrect interpretation of them.Analysis of the EU legislation reveals key criteria to be met for granting compensation of SGEI. It is noted that national legislation, in place of the criteria, contains a list of SGEI.It is emphasized that this list can only work in the part of compensation of reasonable costs for pro- vision of such services. That is, if the compensation is deducted in a non-transparent manner, without a detailed calculation of the costs, it may quite go from the compensation category to the category of state aid incompatible for competition.In this regard, it is proposed to add to the Law of Ukraine "On State Aid to Undertakings" or to the List of the SGEI amendments, adding the criteria which contained in the Altmark Decision. It is emphasized, that compliance with the above criteria automatically excludes the provision of services from the scope of the law and the necessity to submit a notification to the Authorized Body on State Aid.

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