Open Access BASE2020

The Role of the All­Ukrainian Committee for the Assistance to Scientists in the Preservation of the Scientific Intelligence in the First Half of the 1920s ; Роль всеукраїнського комітету сприяння вченим в збереженні наукової інтелігенції в першій половині 20­х років ХХ століття


Relevance. The issue of the activities of the All-Ukrainian Committee for the Assistance to Scientists (AUCAS) aimed at helping the survival of the old, mostly scientific, intelligentsia of Ukraine in those rather dangerous for the intelligentsia years is still little-investigated. Its coverage makes it possible to present a real picture of the attitude of the Bolshevik regime in Ukraine to the old intelligentsia, which testifies to the "class" hatred of this regime for the intelligentsia and forced formal care for their representatives, on the one hand. On the other hand, this study enables to identify the real attitude of the bourgeois intelligentsia to the Soviet government in Ukraine.Research methodology. The author uses culturological principles and methods, which allowed analyzing the rich factual material on organizing the AUCAS's comprehensive assistance to scientists in their survival in those hard times. The culturological methodology makes it possible to identify the forms and methods of the process of establishing business relations of the new government with the scientific intelligentsia of Ukraine and the AUCAS's role in this process.Results. Drawing on rich and diverse, mostly archival, material the author manages to present the significant and positive AUCAS's activities, aimed at helping the survival of the old scientific intelligentsia of Ukraine in the difficult economic, political, legal, moral and living conditions of those critical years, when the Bolshevik regime, full of the "class" hatred to the intelligentsia, was forced to take care of their representatives. The new authorities tried to attract the old intelligentsia to their side.Novelty. The paper studies the effective forms and methods of the AUCAS's comprehensive assistance to scientists in their survival in those hard times drawing on the culturological methodology. One of the factors of the survival was the direct requirement to establish business cooperation with the Soviet regime, because this made it possible, above all, to earn money for living. And the AUCAS's activities in this regard were of great significance.Practical significance. The results of this study can be used for further research of the issues mentioned above as well as in the process of studying the courses of theory and history of Ukrainian culture. They also can be used in the educational process while studying the courses of cultural studies. ; Аналізується фактичний, переважно архівний маловідомий матеріал щодо діяльності Всеукраїнського комітету сприяння вченим (ВУКСУ) в першій половині 20-х рр. ХХ ст. Аналіз дозволив висвітлити масштабну роботу ВУКСУ, спрямовану на матеріальну, правову, моральну та побутову допомогу переважно науковій інтелігенції України в її діяльності й відпочинку в ті скрутні роки, що відзначились голодом, холодом, розрухою та епідеміями. Особлива увага приділяється роботі ВУКСУ, яка спрямовувалась на налагодження ділової співпраці наукової інтелігенції з більшовицьким режимом в Україні.

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