Open Access BASE2020

Lumpen democracy and its influence of modern public administration ; Люмпенізована демократія та її вплив на сучасне публічне управління


Problem setting. In the scope of populism, this issue can be examined from different perspectives. On the one hand, the reform program looks like an attempt to break with the tradition of "promises race" that is so characteristic of the previous electoral campaigns and many government's decisions. On the other hand, in cases when the government's actions cause public rejection, the populism and populists get new political perspectives. Herewith, populist technologies have considerable potential for the provision of both "left" and liberal social and economic reforms. There is an evident need for the reduction of the level of populism in the Ukrainian social and political life, the diminishing of its influence on the process of the fight for power and administration decision-making in the public administration (though the latter, probably, is less important than the electoral competitions and populist pressure). Recent research and publications analysis. The study and analysis of these issues were conducted by leading Ukrainian and foreign scientists. The following scientists' works are particularly worth mentioning: A. Bianch, M. Buchyn, O. Kostenko, I. Kuian, E. Lacroix, A. Matsiuk, J. Robinson, V. Stotskyi, P. Talanchyk and others. Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. This article focuses on the possibility of populism influence on democratic values regarding the lumpenisation of the society and the populism mission in the public administration. Paper main body. There is a long-held belief in the direct relation between country living standards and democracy. That is the higher level of democracy the higher chances for the citizens' well-being. Also, there is another popular belief that poor societies do not care about democracy. In the Ukrainian reality it is often used for self-comforting, that is "we cannot think about the democratic institutes until we are better off". In fact, the relation between the level of well-being and democracy or authoritarianism of a country is not that direct. There are many examples of authoritarian countries that achieved economic success and democratic states with quite low development level. Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Consequently, it should be noted that some followers of the lumpen psychology can possess significant material resources and live off relatively sound part of the society and government institutions, and the criminal constituent of the lumpenism under the conditions of crime escalations and criminogenic "infection" of society's considerable part expands the social frameworks of the lumpenism to a dangerous scale. As for the reasons for the lumpenisation of our society the following ones can be defined: dramatic marginalization and growth of unemployment rate; significant property differentiation and destitution of larger portion of the population; crisis in government institutions and absence of high-powered ideological parties; pervasive corruption in all government institutions; social and political instability; spiritual and moral crisis and social and psychological tension; increase in crimes; negative tendencies in judicial and law enforcement system, military, and other security agencies. ; Розглянуто особливості популізму, що є своєрідним позитивним повідомленням для формування демократичних цінностей у публічному управлінні. Звернено увагу на спеціальну місію популізму як необхідність влади народу та управління народом, що є досить часто наслідком усунення від влади актуальних у конкретний момент людей, груп, політичних сил і передачі влади "дійсним" представникам народу. Проведено аналіз, згідно з яким популізм прагне коригувати, вносити зміни в прийняті правила гри, враховуючи лише інтерес власної політичної сили, і не враховуючи інтересів інших політичних акторів, і часто переростає у люмпенізовану демократію, яка може згодом мати негативні наслідки для публічного управління.

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