Open Access BASE2021



Objective. Modern geopolitical strategies decisively aim to reaching politico-military goals mainly through informational and psychological pressure on target communities and human mind control. Such activity is being organized and exists in media communication area with full-scaled implementing of gamification patterns and related methods of gaming such as "reflexive management" and "social hacking". The study aims to create a model of psycho-linguistic performative text analysis based on semantic triplet (RDF-triplet). It is proposed to apply the following model as a component of screening programs, classification and disclosure of the sources of informational and psychological risks and threats, modernization of systems for predicting psychological impact of media on a person and on the social processes under conditions of strategic and communicative "language game" (Wittgenstein, 1958; Austin, 1964). Methods are based on the contemporary approaches to the following aspects: linguistic discourse analysis (Zasiekin, Rosenhart, 2018); determining patterns of the facts of misrepresentation as a tool of manipulation; identification of the relevant linguistic markers; using the bottom-up parsing method and patterns of the psychological impact of a verbal structure on the cognitive and emotional spheres of a recipient. Results of the study reveal a scientific and applied benefit of the implementation of the psycho-linguistic performative text analysis based on semantic triplet as a basic object. Semantic and syntactic characteristics of the semantic triplet, which form a specific text, can be a source of both indoctrination into the semantic value field of particular senses for a recipient and of generating his emotional states which are requested by an actor/agent. This is achieved through the following aspects: psychological laws of unfinished action, connection between memory, emotions and motivation, the law of edge, the emotional enhancement effects of attention according to T. Ribot, overconfidence and naturalistic fallacy phenomena, the Barnum effect. It is suggested and verified to choose a formal model of psycho-linguistic performative text analysis based on semantic triplet. This model allows to identify and to calculate relevant quantity indicators of informational and psychological (performative) impact of a text on cognitive and emotional spheres of the recipient. As a conclusion, the results of a research demonstrate feasibility of semantic triplet phenomenon through the prism of multi-disciplinary synthesis of linguistic methods, psychology, psycho-linguistics and ontological modeling. The scope of the relevant model of psycho-linguistic performative text analysis allows to identify the sources of informational and psychological (performative) impact on the recipient's mind and to determine psychological factors of the dominant text semantics and its performativity rate. ; Исследуется феномен языковой игры (Витгенштейн, 1958; Остин, 1964), как базис информационно-психологической безопасности личности в современных условиях. Обосновывается целесообразность использования феномена семантического триплета в оптике синтеза средств психологии, лингвистики и онтологического моделирования. Приведенные в статье подходы позволяют выявлять источники информационно-психологического (перформативного) влияния на сознание адресата, устанавливать психологические факторы доминирующей семантики текста и уровень его перформативности. ; Досліджується феномен мовної гри (Вітгенштайн, 1958; Остін, 1964), як базис інформаційно-психологічної безпеки особистості в сучасних умовах. Обґрунтовується доцільність використання феномену семантичного триплету через синтез засобів психології, лінгвістики та онтологічного моделювання. Наведені у статті підходи дозволяють виявляти джерела інформаційно-психологічного (перформативного) впливу на свідомість адресата, встановлювати психологічні чинники домінуючої семантики тексту та рівень його перформативності.

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