Open Access BASE2021

Improving the mechanism of pit collection for community development in the context of decentralization ; Удосконалення механізму справляння ПДФО для розвитку громад в умовах децентралізації


Problem setting. In the analysis of any budget, important markers are åðó revenue indicators, which 80% consist of tax revenues. After all, they give the government and citizens an understanding of how capable the communityis, what amount of expenditures can be made from income, and whether the community has can develop and improve the well-being of its inhabitants. Personal income tax (hereinafter – PIT) covers about 60% of tax revenues of local budgets of Ukraine, so its important role for socio-economic development of local communities and regionsis clear.Recent research and publications analysis. The issue of studyingthe effectiveness of the mechanism of PIT payment and its influence on the process of generation of local government revenues have been in the center of research of domestic scientists such as O.Bandurka, N.Dieieva, I.Liutyi, N.Redinaet al. At the same time, the issue of the effectiveness of PIT collection and its importance for the development of communities in the current conditions of decentralization requires further thorough research.Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. The role and place of personal income tax in the structure of tax revenues of local budgets have been studies in the paper, the essence of the mechanism of its collectionhas been substantiated, the provision on the effectiveness of tax control over the completeness of its revenues have been analyzedand the reasons for reforming its payment procedure by tax agents have been justified.The purpose of the paper is to study the role and place of PIT in the structure of tax revenues of local budgets, substantiate the essence of the mechanism of its collection, analyze PIT administration procedure, makeproposals for improving the effectivenessof fiscal role of this tax for the community development.Paper main body. One of the most important taxes in the system of direct taxation in Ukraine is the personal income tax. Its share in the structure of tax revenues of the consolidated budget in recent years was about 20% – 23% (90% of which – revenues to local budgets, 10%– revenues of the state budget).The procedure for imposition of this taxis regulated by Section IV of the Tax Code of Ukraine, deducted from the income of citizens at a rate of 18%, which applies to almost all types of income of citizens.In the structure of tax revenues of local budgets, its share is the largest one and averages up to 60% of all tax revenues. During the period of 2015 – 2020, the fiscal efficiency of PIT in the structure of its revenues to local budgets was growing every year. Nominal PIT revenues to local budgets increased from UAH 54,9 billion in 2015 to UAH 177,8 billion in 2020.The key factors influencing the nominal growth of personal income tax revenues are inflation, as well as the annual increase in the minimum wage, changes in tax rates and other innovations in tax reforms of the recent years.Given the significant fiscal efficiency of PIT and its influence on budget generation of the communities, we cannot ignore the problematic aspects of its collection that have a direct impact on tax revenues in the structure of the newly formed amalgamated territorial communities, since success and well-being of local communities depends primarily on the amount of financial resources they own.Thus, according to the Budget Code of Ukraine, PITis distributed among the budgets in the following amounts: 60% goes to the ATC budget, 15% to the regional budget, and 25% to the state budget.It is worthnoting that the current rules of tax and budget legislation contain quite clear obligations of tax agents to pay PITtransfers to those local budgets within which territory businesses are located.Nevertheless, there are constant challenges for local governments and their ability to influence entrepreneurs to pay PIT at the location of legal entities and their units, and not at the place of registration of legal entities.Does this mean that a significant number of tax agents do not comply with the requirements of tax and budget legislation?The Law of Ukraine on Local Self-Government in Ukraine (Article 28) entitles local self-government bodies to monitor the compliance with obligations to pay to the local budget at enterprises and organizations, regardless of the form of their incorporation.Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Given the above, business entities are obliged to pay PIT in accordance with current legislation at the place of their actual location, regardless of the place of registration, and local governments are empowered to control the completeness of taxes coming to the local budget and must actively exercise the initiative to provide additional revenues to community budgets.This will allow receiving PIT revenues to the budget of the community where the enterprises directly carry out their activities in order to develop communities and increase their solvency for the welfare of citizens. ; Досліджено роль та місце податку на доходи фізичних осіб у структурі податкових надходжень місцевих бюджетів. Обґрунтовано сутність механізму його справляння. Проаналізовано положення щодо ефективності здійснення податкового контролю за повнотою його надходжень та описано причини необхідності реформування порядку його сплати податковими агентами.

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