Open Access BASE2021



Zerov K. Catch-up and Time shift as ways to use copyright and related rights. Based on the provisions of the current Ukrainian legislation and the legislation of the European Union, the legal nature of the Catch-up right and the Time Shift right is investigated, and their place among other ways of using objects of copyright and related rights is determined as a combination of the right of reproduction and the right of communication to the public. The right of reproduction is applicable in the case of Catch-up right and Time Shift because when recording on the server of the software service provider of the broadcasting and (or) broadcasting program, theirnew fixation is created. The right of communication to the public is applicable in the case of Catch-up right and Time Shift because it combines «an act of communication» — uses a specific technical means different from that of the original communication, and is aimed at the «public.» In the case of Catch-up right and Time Shift, it is irrelevant whether the potential recipients access the communicated objects through a one-to-one connection because this technique does not prevent a large number of persons from having access to the same work at the same time.It was determined that these rights are granted to program service providers and other persons who retransmit programs of a broadcasting organization based on license agreements, which are paid and additional to the main contract for retransmission of a broadcasting organization's program. Moreover, the rights to Catch-up and Time Shift are limited in time (usually up to 7 calendar days for Catch-up and 24 hours for Time Shift from the moment of live broadcast). In the absence in the agreement of the conditions regarding the type of license, territory, and term of the agreement, the general provisions set out in Part 4 of Art. 1109, part 7 of Art. 1109 and part 3. Art. 1110 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, are appliable respectively. But usually these conditions may be different and more limited from the main license agreement for retransmission, for example Catch-up and Time Shift are geo-targeted to a specific area.Key words: Catch-up, Time Shift, communication to the public, reproduction, IPTV ; У статті на основі положень чинного українського законодавства та законодавства Європейського Союзу досліджено правову природу права Catch-up та права Time Shift, визначено їх місце серед інших способів використання об'єктів авторського права та суміжних прав як поєднання права на відтворення і права на доведення до загального відома публіки. Визначено, що вказані права надаються провайдерам програмної послуги, а також іншим особам, які здійснюють ретрансляцію програм організації мовлення, на підставі ліцензійних договорів, що, як правило, є оплатними та додатковими до основного договору на ретрансляцію програми організації мовлення.Ключові слова: Catch-up, Time Shift, IPTV, відтворення, доведення до загального відома публіки




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