Open Access BASE2021



Objective. The modern terms of vital functions of man and society are characterized by prevailing of vagueness, complication and contradiction of the social phenomena. Such terms are actively used by the subjects of the geopolitical opposing with the purpose of achievement of advantages and make basis of strategy of asymmetric actions. The use of facilities for such actions is foreseen by conceptual maintenance and logic hybrid, asymmetric, proxy-wars. Corresponding activity takes place in all accessible to the opposing subject spheres of social life with the use of conformities to law of the game phenomenon. A research aim consists in the exposure of actual psychological approaches in relation to the game phenomenon and ontology of game as a genetic source and program of military confrontation. The methods of abduction are applied in research, analysis and systematization of scientific positions and going near the study of psychological conformities to law of playing activity, method of theoretical reconstruction (design) of psychological determination of influence of conformities to law of game on development of warfare. Research confirms connection of historical development of facilities of the armed fight against conformities to law of development of types of scientific rationality. The game aspects of activity of man and task force are specified in the conditions of competition, prosecution of information war. Expediency of application in research of conformities to law of opposing is grounded in the military sphere of logic and principles of scientific post-nonclassical type (anthropocentrism and intersubjectivity). Research results accentuate problematic of game genesis of the modern opposing in a military sphere. Development of war modes is opened out from banal talion-war to the difficult forms of asymmetric action, inclusive with the use of facilities of informatively-psychological influence on a man and social processes. The prospects of research of modern possibilities of opposing in a military sphere are related to research of the phenomenon of game as a fundamental form of life of man and society in the conditions of gradual cultural development. Importance of continuation of researches of conformities to law of game in the military context requires realization of the forced researches of essence, maintenance and facilities of game as a program of activity in the conditions of the obvious or hidden armed fight. ; Исследован феномен игры как генетического источника и программы деятельности субъекта в сложных обстоятельствах конкурентной борьбы, включительно военного противоборства. Обоснована целесообразность применения в исследовании закономерностей противоборства в военной сфере логики и принципов постнекласичної научной рациональности. Конкретизированы игровые аспекты деятельности человека и социальной группы в современных условиях конкуренции, в частности в условиях ведения інформационной борьбы. ; Досліджено феномен гри як генетичного джерела і програми діяльності суб'єкта за складних обставин конкурентної боротьби, включно воєнного протиборства. Обґрунтовано доцільність застосування у дослідженні закономірностей протиборства у воєнній сфері логіки та принципів постнекласичної наукової раціональності. Конкретизовано ігрові аспекти діяльності людини і соціальної групи в сучасних умовах конкуренції, зокрема в умовах ведення інформаційної боротьби.

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