Open Access BASE2021



The article examines the problem of increasing the efficiency of human resources as one of the main tasks of resource provision on the path of transformational changes in public administration in Ukraine. The key role of high-quality staffing in solving a wide range of problems in the development of Ukrainian society is substantiated. It is proved that its essence lies in the complexity and multifaceted nature of the management process and is the main element of human resource management and a necessary factor in achieving social development goals. At the present stage of development of the Ukrainian state, staffing in the field of public administration plays a key role in solving a wide range of problems in the development of Ukrainian society. First, its essence lies in the complexity and multifaceted nature of the management process aimed at building an effective system of training, development and effective use in public administration. Secondly, staffing in the field of public administration is an activity to restore human resources, is the main element of human resource management and a necessary factor in achieving social development goals. Third, it is a systemic mechanism aimed at updating qualified personnel in public authorities. Attention is focused on modern problems of personnel policy formation. These include: unregulated tasks and powers of the main circle of its subjects; lack of clear goals and strategies for human resources development in key areas, sectors or industries; professional burnout of human resources, deepening disparities in the structure of human resources and its inconsistency with the needs of society; the lack of an effective mechanism for the state order to train the necessary personnel and provide them with a guaranteed job after graduation; inconsistency of the institutional structure of the public administration apparatus with the needs of citizens, business, internal and external priorities of the state, high cost of public administration, its lack of manageability and effectiveness. It is established that the essence of management, its functions and specifics are determined, on the one hand, by the tasks, and on the other - by the content of managerial work: its subject, means and purpose. The culture and effectiveness of management is largely determined by the means of managerial work - intellectual, creative, analytical and other mental abilities, as well as modern digital technologies, the level and completeness of their use. The complexity of the tasks and challenges of the XXI century, the rapid nature of transformations in many areas of economic and social development highlights the need to establish the basic principles of the formation of modern personnel policy. The principles of politicization in resolving personnel issues should be a thing of the past, today there is an urgent need to select human resources on the principles of professionalism, high level of knowledge, competence, which at the present stage should become a decisive link in transformational changes in public administration. Development and implementation of personnel policy of Ukraine in all spheres of public activity requires the construction of an effective system, which should include a set of relevant institutions with clearly defined organizational and functional powers, the availability of modern progressive educational programs with their ideological and software, and effective research. pedagogical corps. Only under such conditions will high indicators of society development in accordance with European standards be achieved. This primarily presupposes the existence of a legal framework and the formation of a system of organizations that will manage personnel processes in these areas. Thus, in accordance with the main objectives set by the Strategy of State Personnel Policy for 2012-2020, the implementation of state personnel policy in the field of public administration primarily requires modernization of the system of scientific training in science "Public Administration", focused on the priorities of transformational change on the way to the development of modern Ukraine. ; У статті досліджено проблему підвищення ефективності кадрового потенціалу як одного з головних завдань ресурсного забезпечення на шляху трансформаційних змін публічного управління в Україні. Обґрунтовано ключову роль якісного кадрового забезпечення в розв'язанні широкого кола проблем розвитку українського суспільства. Доведено, що його сутність полягає в складності та багатоаспектності процесу управлінської діяльності і виступає головним елементом управління людськими ресурсами та необхідним чинником досягнення цілей суспільного розвитку. Закцентовано увагу на сучасних проблемах формування кадрової політики. Установлено, що сутність управління, його функції і специфіка визначаються, з одного боку, поставленими завданнями, а з другого – змістом управлінської праці: її предметом, засобами і метою. Культуру й ефективність управління значною мірою визначають засоби управлінської праці – інтелектуальні, творчі, аналітичні та інші розумові здібності, а також сучасні цифрові технології, рівень і повнота їх використання. Ключові слова: кадровий потенціал; ресурсне забезпечення; публічне управління; трасформаційні зміни; цифрові технології; цифрове суспільство.




National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine

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