Open Access BASE2014

Analysis of the involvement of manipulative political technologies of the presidential election campaign of 2010 ; Анализ привлечения манипулятивных политических технологий президентской избирательной кампании 2010 года ; Аналіз залучення маніпулятивних політичних технологій президентської виборчої кампанії 2010 року


In this article, the author attempted analyze position and role of political manipulation technologies within the context of electoral political technologies, and has considered political advertising campaign four the main candidates for President of Ukraine 2010 - A.P.Yatseniuk, S.L. Tihipko, U.V . Tymoshenko and V.F. Yanukovych.Any political party and its the election campaign is aimed at attracting for the widest possible support of the electorate, and in order to achieve desired objective using of various kinds means and methods of political influence, called in political science political technologies. The basic purpose of using political technologies can be considered as subjects process optimization the implementation of their tasks and responsibilities. Is most exactly are directed at achieving specific purposes that meet specific interests and purpose defining the sequence of actions in the form of algorithms behavior of the subjects the process.Political technologies applicable to the whole field of political power and public administration, and to use as a legitimate (legally permitted) and illegal (prohibited by law or contrary to the generally accepted standards of morality) means. Depending on the nature and extent of the subject, political technologies may be different in their parameters: resource estimations, methods of operation.Use of any of political technologys depends on a number of features installed and existing in a specific country: the order of elections, counting, establishment of election results, normative - legal base of the country. The combination of these rules determines the features of the behavior of all participants in the political process by providing equal opportunity activities under a single legislation.In any case, these technologies are aimed at society and their main aim is to manipulate the consciousness, and therefore the choice and citizens, so we can talk and that the will of the people is not fully and completely independently, on which you can also easily affected by knowing certain technologies and methods of their introduction and realization.A special place in the impact on the electorate has the manipulation as a characteristic feature of this type is the hidden impact on the emotional, a subconscious part of the human psyche, which distinguishes it among other means of political influence.Political manipulation by means of the implementation and impact on the voters can be divided into two types: visual and non-visual manipulative techniques. By visual manipulation technologies include: advertising the videos, newspapers, printed agitation products, advertising boards, billboards, and political debates show. That all means of political influence on the minds of citizens directly implemented through visual receptors and at a conscious level form some conclusions and guide the actions of people. By no visual manipulation political technologies include the calls mottos, slogans; political myths, stereotypes, social survey data fraud, commercials are broadcast on the radio, labeling, involving the campaign of so-called "technical" candidates, the means of influence that a voter on notice, but feels emotional, subconscious level.The most effective manipulative techniques used in large aggregations of people involved, it could be a concert, a meeting with voters, political, social actions, protests, mitenhy, demonstrations.l . At this time the person who is involved in the event loses its individuality and emotionally charged mood of the public or crowd intercepting not only emotion, but also certain patterns of action. In order to achieve desired objective and avoid the effects of uncontrolled crowd in a mass attracted agitators, and which provide for the emotional charge.Conclusions. So analyzing the electoral campaigns of major political leaders and candidates for President of Ukraine 2010 can be said about the active involvement of the manipulative electoral technologies at all levels, both visual and non-visual nature, and above all the political leaders. Arsenal use of manipulative political technologies in the electoral process in Ukraine is growing more and more as they are a very effective way to power. ; Осуществляется анализ места и роли манипулятивных технологий в контексте политических избирательных технологий. По средствам реализации и по отношению к избирателю автор разделяет манипулятивные технологий на визуальные, а также не визуальные и согласно данной характеристики рассматривает предвыборные кампании четырех основных кандидатов на пост Президента Украины 2010 года: А. П. Яценюка, С. Тигипко, Ю. В. Тимошенко и В. Ф. Януковича. ; Здійснено аналіз місця та ролі маніпулятивних технологій у контексті політичних виборчих технологій. За засобами реалізації та стосовно виборця автор розділяє маніпулятивні технологій на візуальні та не візуальні та відповідно до цієї характеристики розглядає передвиборчі кампанії чотирьох основних кандидатів на пост Президента України 2010 року: А. П. Яценюка, С. Л. Тігіпко, Ю. В. Тимошенко та В. Ф. Януковича.

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