Open Access BASE2015

Sociology of development between liberalism and state-centrism: historical-sociological analysis ; СОЦІОЛОГІЯ РОЗВИТКУ ПОМІЖ ЛІБЕРАЛІЗМОМ ТА ДЕРЖАВОЦЕНТРИЗМОМ: ІСТОРИКО-СОЦІОЛОГІЧНИЙ АНАЛІЗ


The destructive effects of neoliberal policies encouraged many researchers to turn to his ideological predecessor developmentalism, which is based on the active role of the state in the economy. Therefore, in the present conditions of sharp debate "developmentalism versus neo-liberalism" determining the origin and intellectual genesis of the developmentalism becomes very actual.The intellectual genealogy of the developmentalism is inextricably linked with the relevant social and political practices. The subject of sociological analysis should be both experience of the United Kingdom and Netherlands, where the economy combined free market principles and practices of the developmentalism and experience of the Bismarck Germany and the Meiji Japan, where the government was the major initiator of the development.The intellectual genealogy of the developmentalism is complicated. One of the earliest representatives of the developmentalism in sociology became the american politician Alexander Hamilton. Other early author of the developmental theory was german sociologist and economist Friedrich List, who combined the economical practices of the developmentalism and the ideology of nationalism. Another prominent defender of state economic regulation was american sociologist and economist Henry Charles Carey.With the death of Carrie in 1879, we can talk about the end of the classical ideology of developmentalism. A new wave of interest in the state regulation of the economy - for many complex ways - appeared much later, in 1930-s, when the policy of social Keynesianism, named "The New Deal", helped the U.S. government to get out of the Great Depression. After the Second World War Keynesian economics had been a standard policy for all the states of the West (as President R. Nixon said, "We are all Keynesians now"). ; Стаття висвітлює інтелектуальну ґенезу девелопментілізму як політичної ідеології та економічної практики.

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