Open Access BASE2015

Ways and areas of efficiency of socio-oriented with the region's economy ukraine ; Пути и направления повышения эффективности управления социально-орентированной экономикой регионов Украины ; Шляхи і напрямки підвищення ефективності управління соціально-орієнтованою економікою регіонів України


The analysis of forming of conception of the socially-oriented economy of regions of Ukraine is given in the article, including the Zaporizhzhya region; the problems of the sociallyoriented economy of regions of Ukraine and way of their decision are analyses; practical recommendations are grounded in relation to introduction of the socially-oriented state administration in regions. Formation of the concept of social management focuses on the region of Ukraine, to distinguish the ways and areas for further direction of the country in the present context of globalization and market economy. Achieving this goal requires solving the following tasks: disclosure of socially-oriented management and social-oriented economies in the region; identify prerequisite for the formation of socially-oriented management system; developing a methodological framework for regional management of social-oriented economies (identifying the main principles and mechanisms that ensure the integration of economic and social rocesses in the territorial economic complex, forms management impact on socio-economic processes of regional development); justification of the main directions of forming social management system focuses on the development of methods and tools of influence on the socioeconomic efficiency of the region; develop a model integrating the economic interests of the center and the regions of Ukraine in the economic transformation of Ukraine; systematization and development of scientific information and analytical foundations of socially-oriented economy of the region. The problem of sustainable development in the region is due to the impending growth of negative phenomena and trends in the life of the world community, uneven economic development of countries and regions, the population explosion, expansion of areas of military conflicts based on national and ethnic antagonism, environmental catastrophes. Solving the problem of sustainable development is towards multi task of searching the optimal organization of international relations and moving towards them. The processes of globalization have led to conflict "universal values" of the sacred national cultures in the disappearance of native soil. The study makes it possible to make practical recommendations for implementation of socially-oriented governance in the region. In the context of globalization and competition policy of the government should work with the regions as with peer partners for economic development and improve quality of life. Promising tool for the development of regional economies multiplier effect in Ukraine is the creation of regional clusters as vertically integrated companies and organizations interrelated areas that are usually compatible research base and adequate management. ; В статье дается анализ формирования концепции социально-ориентированной экономики регионов Украины, включая и Запорожский регион; анализируются проблемы социально-ориентированной экономики регионов Украины и пути их решения; обосновываются практические рекомендации относительно внедрения социально-ориентированного государственного управления в регионах ; В статті дається аналіз формування шляхів і напрямків підвищення ефективності управління соціально-орієнтованою економікою регіонів України; аналізуються проблеми соціально-орієнтованої економіки регіонів України та шляхи їх вирішення; обґрунтовуються практичні рекомендації щодо впровадження соціально-орієнтованого державного управління в регіонах.

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