Open Access BASE2014

The modern methods of management changes on an enterprise ; СУЧАСНІ МЕТОДИ УПРАВЛІННЯ ЗМІНАМИ НА ПІДПРИЄМСТВІ


The article is devoted deepening of theoretical and methodical government changes bases on an enterprise. On the basis of the conducted researches the process of management strategic changes is generalized and his basic stages are analysed.The basic methods of management changes are described. It is suggested to use the modern methods of management changes in activity of enterprises, in particular: reinzhiniring biznes-processov, autsorsing, daunsayzing, benchmarking, which proved the efficiency in modern practice of foreign enterprises.A matrix is developed of choice of methods management changes on enterprises in accordance with the chosen strategy of development and priority method of introduction of changes. Dependency upon the folded situation, influence of factors of external and internal environment, the method of management changes can be complemented, corrected or used partly. The type of changes which are planned depends on potential of enterprise, of production, financial resources and requirements in changes.Basic risks, which can arise up during introduction of organizational changes in the case of change of aims organization, organizational structure, technologies, personnel, resources, are considered. ; Розглянуто методи управління змінами на підприємстві. Запропоновано здійснювати вибір методів управління змінами відповідно до обраної стратегії розвитку та пріоритетного способу впровадження змін.

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