Open Access BASE2016

Approaches to the Understanding of the Global Governance ; Подходы к пониманию глобального управления ; ПІДХОДИ ДО РОЗУМІННЯ ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ


A central issue in this paper is the origins and specific character of global governance discourse that formed at the turn of the twenty-first century. The new discourse marked a gradual exclusion of most early discourses – «international relations» and «world government». It is demonstrated that new term «global governance» signalizes about grand reconstruction of previous international relations discourse where international society was considered as the complex of states and their governments actually. In fact the global governance discourse is pointed case of irreducibility of international society to interstates relations. This is based on the James Rosenau theory of world politics. The James Rosenau contribution to development and conceptualization of term «global governance» was considered.The analysis of sources and meaning of basic approaches to global governance understanding are given much attention. This shows how problematique of global governance and world regulation is articulated in dominant paradigms in world politics: Realism, Liberalism and Marxism. In general, this research shows that global governance discourse developed under influence of theory of transnationalism and concept of 'governing without government', concept of global civil society, international regimes theory, neoliberal institutionalism, balance of power theory, hegemonic stability theory. In this contribution the circle of questions connected with the perspective of research of the global governance concepts was outlined. Further investigations are needed to compare the basic approaches to studies of global governance and world regulation. Particularly, it is worth to concentrate on the difference among approaches to comprehension the following questions: Who, how and on what level can, able and/or must exercise global governance? Is it a result of action of individual actors or characteristic of international system in general? What the shape is global governance taking on the contemporary world and what kind of type is reasonably to label this governance? What are conditions of fair and effective governance? ; Исследованы начала и специфика дискурса глобального управления, сформировавшегося на рубеже ХХ-XXI веков. Рассмотрен вклад Дж. Розенау в разработку и концептуализацию понятия «глобальное управление». Главное внимание уделено анализу истоков и содержания основных подходов к пониманию глобального управления. Намечен круг вопросов, связанных с перспективой исследования концепций глобального управления ; Досліджено витоки та специфіку дискурсу глобального управління, який сформувався на рубежі ХХ-ХХІ століть. Розглянуто внесок Дж. Розенау в розроблення та концептуалізацію поняття «глобальне управління». Головну увагу приділено аналізу джерел та змісту основних підходів до розуміння глобального управління. Окреслено коло питань, пов'язаних з перспективою дослідження концепцій глобального управління

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