Open Access BASE2019

Transcomplex heritage education that emerges from the cultural patrimonial - identity - and citizenship relationship: Trans-complex wealth education ; La educación patrimonial transcompleja que emerge de la relación patrimonial cultural – identidad – y ciudadanía: La educación patrimonial transcompleja ; Educação patrimonial transcomplexa que emerge da relação patrimonial cultural - identidade - e cidadania: Educação trans-complexa da riqueza


Objective: The objective of the research was to support, from the triad: cultural heritage - identity and - citizenship (PC-I-C) the epistemic axes of Transcomplex Heritage Education (EFA). Method: To this end, the diatopic, comprehensive and reflexive hermeneutics was used as a transmethod. Results: The PC-IC relationship in transmodernity is understood as a set of open, integrating possibilities and attention to complexity that allowed to achieve elements with diverse interpretations of the collective past in a decolonized context Patrimonial Education (EP), traditional cultural heritage manager (PC), inherits his modernist conceptions of reductionist paradigms and an objectified culture, conceived under contempt, devaluations, coloniality of power and knowledge. Conclusion: It was concluded that the EFA nests the educational exercise that is based on the patrimonial issue, which is essentially political and is shown as a dynamic element of citizenship and social inclusion. It was configured as an educational and social praxis that allows to elaborate pedagogical actions privileging transcomplex approaches, allowing the human being to perceive its historical dimension, strengthening its commitment as a citizen. ; Objetivo: La investigación tuvo como objetivo sustentar desde la triada: patrimonio cultural- identidad y – ciudadanía (PC-I-C) los ejes epistémicos de la Educación Patrimonial Transcompleja (EPT). Método: se usó la hermenéutica diatopica, comprensiva y reflexiva como transmétodo. Resultados: La relación PC-I-C en la transmodernidad es entendida como un conjunto de posibilidades abiertas, integradoras y ateniente a la complejidad que permitieron conseguir elementos con interpretaciones diversas del pasado colectivo en un contexto descolonizado La Educación Patrimonial (EP) tradicional gestora del patrimonio cultural (PC), hereda sus concepciones modernistas de los paradigmas reduccionistas y una cultura objetivada, concebida bajo el desprecio, desvalorizaciones, colonialidad del poder y del saber. ...

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