Open Access BASE1974

An Analysis of Counties and Municipalities Which Did Not Participate in the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 Utah: 1965-1970


Characteristics of nonparticipating Utah counties and municipalities in the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 were studied. Specific objectives studied were: (1) program awareness, (2) program understanding, and (3) reasons for nonparticipation from 1965 to 1970. A telephone survey was conducted of all nonparticipating counties, all nonparticipating municipalities larger than 2500 population and a simple random sampling of municipalities smaller than 2500 population. Results were compared on a governmental unit and regional basis. The survey determined that, as a whole, less than 45 percent of nonparticipating Utah counties and municipalities were aware of the program. The greatest awareness was among the large municipalities of region one and the least awareness was among the small municipalities of region two. County awareness was similar in both regions. Significant differences in program awareness occurred only when small municipalities were compared with large municipalities and counties. Generally, the surveyed governmental units aware of the program had a low degree of program understanding, particularly with regards to who administered the program in Utah. Reasons given for nonparticipation were primarily: (1) no need for parks, (2) unable to provide the local matching share of a grant, (3) did not want to become involved with the federal government, and (4) lack of community leadership. As a whole, a significant number of governmental units not aware of the program would seek federal assistance if they had a recreation resource to develop.



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