Open Access BASE2011

Lobizmas užsienio šalyse ir Lietuvoje: teisinio reguliavimo ir institucionalizacijos problemos ; Lobbying in Lithuania and abroad: the problems of legal regulation and institutionalization


The article presents analysis and typological classification of legal regulation of lobbying in other countries and looks for the reasons of failure to legitimize lobbying activities in Lithuania which would serve as important preventive measure against corruption. It discusses the reasons why lobbying regulation is usually ineffective. In Lithuania, institutionalization of legitimate lobbying faces problems of effectiveness of legal regulation, of integrity and of the legitimacy of legal regulations. The current institutional, socio-cultural and legal regulative factors are not favorable to regulation of lobbying in Lithuania. That, however, should not mean that there should be no effort to implement effective, fair and democratic regulations on the process. A necessary precursor to such implementation may well require further cultural indoctrination.


Litauisch, Englisch

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