Open Access BASE2013

Income redistribution in emerging welfare capitalism in Lithuania ; Pajamų perskirstymas formuojantis gerovės kapitalizmui Lietuvoje


This dissertation analyses changes in income redistribution through the lens of market-state (private-public) nexus. The main goal of the dissertation is to explore the impact of taxes and benefits on income redistribution among different population groups while aiming for social welfare in emerging welfare capitalism Lithuania. This dissertation analyses the changes in market income and primary income inequality among households and individuals. Changes in public opinion towards desirable income redistribution level and state's role in distribution process during the last two decades are evaluated as well, stressing the demand for redistribution. Dissertation analyses the impact of taxes and benefits on disposable income inequality and consequences for different socio-economic groups. Relative importance, size and progressivity of redistributive instruments are evaluated. Changes in income redistribution are associated with the changes in tax-benefit legislation. Finally, considering the relative importance of taxes and benefits for income inequality, dissertation contributes to the on-going discussion on the kind of welfare regime forming in Lithuania.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Vilnius University

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