Open Access BASE2009

RSV specialisto, kaip politiko įvaizdžio televizijoje kūrėjo vaidmuo ; Public relations specialists' role in creating image of a politician on a television


Master's education work object – image of a politician on a television, the role of a PR specialist in a theory and practice. The purpose of this essay is to clarify the role of PR and a politician's image on a television. Scientific literature analysis, deduction and extrapolation were the methods used to draw conclusions. The role of PR practitioner as a politician's image developer was investigated in the analysis and quantitative survey (practical study). It was found that in Lithuania the role of a PR specialist is not significant in the process of creating a politicians' image on TV. This process is such a narrow area in Lithuania, that there are not enough competent professionals to analyse this angle of political PR. Practically, politicians still lack the experience when they participate in the production of a television content. Therefore, the main task of a public relations specialist is to explain the concept of television and most common tactical means of image-building in TV. The confidence and intensive communication among a PR practitioner and a politician is important as well. This paper can be useful for a public relations academics and practitioners, as well as politicians who participate in television broadcasts.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Vilnius University

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