Open Access BASE2010

Islamofobijos reiškinys žiniasklaidoje: Jungtinės Karalystės ir Lietuvos atvejai ; The phenomenon of islamophobia in mass media: cases of the united kingdom and lithuania


The rise and the development of the phenomenon of Islamophobia in Western Europe discourse is investigated in this paper. In this paper we are introduced with rasism and xenophobia factors which has big influence for islamophobia development. In this paper is stated, that this phenomenon has not appeared after terrorist attacks in 2001/9/11 and in London in 2005. The islamophobia appeared gradually as orientalism, later as oil crisis, Saudi Arabia policy in 1973-1974, with revolution of Iran in 1979. It reached our times too. The phenomenon of islamophobia in out times is associated with terrorism, suiciders and cartoons. The main aim of the paper is to explore specific manifestations of islamophobia in Lithuanian mass media and to compare them with analysed United Kingdom case. Cause both of coutries are very different in their historical experience, democracy history and also in media, it is fairly complicated to compare them. The United Kingdom case is like the model or example while exploring Lithuanian case. Because the theory of Islamophobia was fitted in the United Kingdom case, it is more experience of this country, that is why this country was sorted as model to investigate if islamophobia exists in Lithuanian media. The aim of this paper- to adapt the theory of islamophobia in Lithuanian case, o even to confirm that Lithuanian case is very unique.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Vilnius University

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