Open Access BASE2012

Kolektyvinės derybos ir kolektyvinės sutartys Kinijoje ; Collective bargaining and collective agreements in china


Collective bargaining and collective agreements were born in western countries. During last 30 years China has attempted to introduce market economy and modern industry, also the legal system which includes collective bargaining and collective agreements. These two concepts are quite new to the Chinese subjects of labour law, although during the period of planned economy the labour unions already exists, but the Chinese regime and subjects of labour law don't understand how the collective bargaining and collective agreements essentially work. The Chinese regime is confronted by various problems concerning labour relations while introducing market economy and modern industry, these problems have been settled in western countries. While promting further growing of economy, the implementation of collective bargaining and collective agreements is one of the most important and essential tasks of Chinese government, because the stability of individual and collective labour relations directly influences Chinese communist regime, economic sustainable development and harmoniuos society.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Vilnius University

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