Open Access BASE2019

Pelatihan Manajemen Kelembagaan Organisasi Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Partisipasi Pembangunan Bagi Organisasi Masyarakat (Ormas) di Kota Denpasar


This research is focused on organizational management training activities so that organizations in the city of Denpasar can be actively involved in accordance with their functions, namely engage in the development participation. This research was carried out by organizing organizational management training which was attended by 38 mass organizations in the city of Denpasar. The results are the understanding of the concept of organizational management and organizational establishment requirements that are in accordance with the policy/regulations of the government system of Indonesia and the regional government by organizations in Denpasar, understanding the processes and mechanisms contained in organizational institutional management, understanding the importance of the organization's role active in development participation in the city of Denpasar, the realization of effective communication between community organizations and the government in order to create good synergy related to development participation and community organizations are expected to be able to improve life skills, ability and professionalism in running the wheels of the organization. In addition, it is hoped that there will be synergy between community organization and the government, especially in the field of disaster preparedness, where community organization are able to become the foremost pioneers in disaster management with the government.

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