Open Access BASE1988

Proposals for the short-term and long-term upgrading and modernizing of the Greek maritime educational system


Greece has a long and honourable tradition in merchant shipping and its economy vitally depends on shipping. Therefore, a strong and efficient Greek merchant marine will be a prime factor in the strategy of economic prosperity and prestige. At the same time it is well known that our Maritime Education and Training (MET) is faltering. Today's technological advances with substantial reductions in manning levels have led to a considerable reorganization of shipboard operations. In close connection, private enterprises are in favour of fully automated vessels with low running costs and efficient master and officers to run the ship smoomthly, safely and profitably. This calls for training to be more realistic and more relevant than it has been traditionally. However, to succeed in such a scheme the modernization of MET is highly desirable to keep pace with this rapid technological and social evolution of the marine industry. In view of the above, the aim of the present thesis is to examine the structure of maritime education in Greece with a view to bringing about the necessary changes in the short and long run. This study should be compared with the existing conditions of the Greek seafaring community. Its target is a competitive, effective and safety-orientated merchant marine for the benefit of all parties concerned. The study is a personal reflection "status quo" without the influence of any emotional or traditional inhibitions on the part of the government or shipowners. Its main aim is to approach from a different point of view the currently known problems with respect to the upgrading of the qualititive standards of the Greek seafarers and those related to the marine industry.


The Maritime Commons: Digital Repository of the World Maritime University

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