Open Access BASE2014

Effects of Mobility Models and Nodes Distribution on Wireless Sensors Networks


Wireless sensor networks (WSN) is an important future technology, in several applications in military, health, environment and industries. Currently the integration of social and sensor is very important by considering the characteristics of social networks in designing wireless sensor networks WSN for improvement such as (number of messages from source to destination, radius of coverage, connectivity, and spreading). This area has not received much attention and few researches focus on the performance evaluation. In this paper we have studied the impact of different mobility and distribution models which is a variable one should define which model is best for the infrastructure given their differences, also study include the exact effect of nodes distribution and analyzed by calculation the number of messages of 12 cases to get a real performance evaluation under different conditions and same routing techniques. This work provides us a greater understanding and clear an idea of the effect of mobility plus distribution.

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