Open Access BASE1997

Dari Krisis Politik sampai Legitimasi Kekuasaan: Studi tentang Sastra, Masyarakat, dan Raja di Jawa Abad XVIII dan XIX


This article speaks of literature, society, and kings in Java in the 18th and 19th centuries. The basic concept used to analyze is the literary sociology especially developed by Hypolite Taine. Taine's paradigm is built on the assumption that literature can be "packed" from the material base of a society, including race, time, and environment. For Taine, literature is not just a personalized game of imagination, but a recording of the ways of his day. Therefore, certain societies can be claimed as the source or origin (genetic) of creation and birth of literature. Thus, consciously or unconsciously, literature always adapts or adapts to the tastes of its readers.

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