Open Access BASE2018

The contribution of M.A. Baludyanskyi into the development of fi nancial and legal science and practice of management of state economy


of Financial Law – Mykhailo Andriyovych Baludyanskyi (1769–1847). The purpose of the article is the generalization and specifi cation of the contribution of M.A. Baludyanskyi in the development of fi nancial management of the Russian Empire and the fi nancial, legal science and education. The development of fundamental theoretical knowledge about the nature of the historical, social and personal aspects of the history of science and technology served as the methodological basis of the research. The author singled out main directions of scientifi c-pedagogical, administrative and reform efforts of М.А. Baludyanskyi, as well as their practical signifi cance for the development of fi nancial-legal science and management practice. It is determined that as a teacher, a scientist and a practitioner-fi nancier M.A. Baludyanskyi was a follower of one of the founders of fi nancial science, a well-known German representative of Cameralism, Joseph Sonnenfels. The generalization of materials on various fi elds of activity of Professor M.A. Baludyanskyi, made it possible to determine his signifi cant contribution to the development of fi nancial science and practice of the Russian Empire and in the process of the formation of the Russian fi nancial legislation.

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