Open Access BASE2018



This paper elucidates the issues regarding violence against women also termed as gender based violence, in its magnitude and its physical and psychological impact on them. Violence against women is the manifestation of gender inequality which also reflects the psyche of patriarchy to maintain unequal balance of power. The marginalisation and subjugation of women throughout ages have made them vulnerable and victim in the hands of the ruling patriarchy. The gender based violence includes horrendous crimes such as rape, domestic violence, female foeticide, dowry deaths, trafficking, acid attacks, honour killing (the list is not exhaustive) by the potential perpetrators under the mask of spouse, father, brother, son, friend and so on. The paper also unravels that men in power become the biggest perpetrators committing serious crimes against women and leave them helpless and hapless. The heinous crimes leave deep impact on the women psyche thus violating her most basic right to live. Lack of social support, slow legal procedures, and poor laws contribute to the misery of the victim thus making women empowerment a distant dream. The society where half of its population is living under threat could be anything but civilized.

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