Open Access BASE2018



The article analyzes representations of the Ukrainian ethnos about a crime and punishment for its commission. The author attempted to substantiate the relationship between the content of the mentally-legal patterns of Ukrainians and the nature of crime in domestic territories. For example, he came to the conclusion that the behavior of Ukrainians in matters of "honesty and dishonor" is governed by mental archetypes that need to be corrected through the legal ideology supported by the whole society. In addition, domestic legal mentality is characterized by rather ambiguous attitude to the crime: on the one hand, any unlawful activity in the public consciousness is condemned, but at the same time, Ukrainians do not refrain from committing illegal acts, finding for their justification various arguments, among them, and "heroizing" the image of a criminal cossack. Separately, the problem of crimes against property and corruption has been highlighted. The article has argued that the submission of Ukrainians about the socio-legal institution of property is also quite controversial and expressed in the high authority of private property and the treatment of state and public property as "not whose", and therefore, that which can be attributed. A deep historic traditions of corruption in Ukraine determines their wide distribution, diversity of such acts and an impressive arsenal of arguments to justify them, provided not only at the domestic level but also in certain scientific circles. The content of psychological stereotypes in the sphere of the application of punishment in relation to lawbreakers and their interrelation with Ukrainian reality are also considered. In particular, the extraordinary humanism of Ukrainian legal mentality in this context is noted. For example, domestic mythology in general denies the need to punish criminals for the misdeeds committed by official authorities, placing this mission on the "divine Providence". For the national conscience of the Ukrainian ethnic group, an extremely contemptuous ...

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