Open Access BASE2019

The Impact and Harm of the Issue of Exiled Tibetans: Focusing on Sino-Indian Relations


As a historical issue, the issue of exiled Tibetans not only worsened Sino-Indian relations in the late 1950s, which resulted in a large-scale war in 1962, but also is to blame for the serious consequence that the successive governments of the two countries have been bearing a grudge against each other ever since, thus unable to reach a genuine reconciliation. At present, with both China and India at a critical stage in their socio-economic development, the radicalization of exiled Tibetans is becoming more and more obvious. The issue of exiled Tibetans has posed a substantial threat to the national security and social stability of the two countries. If this issue cannot be effectively resolved, it is likely to exacerbate Sino-Indian strategic mutual suspicion and even trigger new confrontations and conflicts. In light of this, both countries have to set great store by this issue and come up with a mutually acceptable solution so that the stumbling block between these two countries can be removed once and for all.

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