Open Access BASE2018

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender content in Greek-Cypriot newspapers: A descriptive analysis between 2011 and 2015


Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people have been largely absent from dominant social debates in Cyprus. In a socially conservative country, with prevailing heteronormative and patriarchic norms, discussion around issues of sexuality in general and sexual orientation in particular, has been taboo. This has resulted in a lack of visibility and meaningful social and media debate around LGBT people and issues that concern them (Tryfonidou, 2017). From 2010 onward issues of discrimination and harassment towards LGBT started becoming increasingly discussed in the public arena. Relevant legal developments, accelerated by the 2004 Republic of Cyprus's (RoC) accession into the European Union (henceforth EU) and by the pioneering of the LGBT NGO called ACCEPT, led to more visibility of LGBT issues in the public sphere (Phellas, Kapsou, Epameinonda, 2014), reflected also in increasing media attention (Kapsou, Christophi & Epaminonda, 2011). Events such as the Pride Festivals from 2014 onwards, contributed significantly in promoting public attention around LGBT issues. Despite these important developments, the social debate remains limited and polarized and is frequently driven by statements of important public figures, and predominantly by Church representatives. These figures often promote a representation of same-sex relationships as highly deviant, abnormal and problematic and thus contribute to an ongoing marginalization and discrimination of LGBT people. The social climate around LGBT issues also reflects that there is room for improving social acceptance and respect of LGBT rights (European Commission, 2015) while there are still pressing legal issues to be addressed (Tryfonidou, 2017). Although academic attention around these issues has increased significantly during the last few years (i.e. Kamenou, 2012; Onoufriou, 2009; Phellas, 2005), there is still need for scientific, empirically grounded research. Our aim in this report is to provide an empirically-grounded examination of the ways that media ...

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