Open Access BASE2014

Роль соціальних медіа у формуванні та функціонуванні громадянського суспільства


Role of social media in formation and functioning of civil society Civil Society is the self-organized and self-regulated area of public relations in the state, that unites many institutes – subjects, that in the process of their activity form public relations aimed at strengthening civil society. One ofthese institutions is the means of mass media (media). The most part of media are non-governmental, private, and therefore are perceived as special – information – commercial projects designed to bring profits to owners. But media is a powerful institute of civil society, their purpose is to inform the public about current events as objectively as possible, to evaluate events. Their ultimate goal is to promote public control over the government. We have witnessed fundamental changes in the communication model, because anyone can become a "small" media. Electronic technologies created new possibilities for reproduction of image or text: sign, sound, motion, picture and text are combined. "New Media" is all forms of data transmission via the Internet, it covers all of the new technologies in communications, such as: web-sites, e-mail and etc., and "social media" such as services where users interact with content (e.g., communication in blogs or social networks). Thus, new media includes social media. Social Media is Internet services designed for mass distribution of content, where the content is generated by users themselves. An author may be any one, and that is opposed to traditional media, where the author is the preselected and limited number of people. If you use a typology of media space by H. McLuhan ("hot" and "cold" – by the degree of activity and of the audience feedback presence), then social media is the hottest type. There are following types of social media: social networks; blogs and microblogs; forums; feedback-sites; photo and video sharing; geo-social services. Social networking and blogging are the most effective among social media. In 2014 there were approx. 862 million websites and personal ...

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