Open Access BASE2020

Unification of status of the craft guilds of Chernihiv and Siverian land under the "Remeslennoe polozhenie" 1785


As the part of Russian Empire, Ukraine was in the Russian legal field. When in 1785 the new «Remeslennoe polozhenie» was implemented, it had significant impact on the Ukrainian craft guilds. «Remeslennoe polozhenie» was meant to regulate life of craft guilds on different levels. Although Russia's guild legislation was based on Western European laws, it made significant changes in organization and functioning of the guilds on the Northern Left Bank Ukraine. «Remeslennoe polozhenie» introduced a unified model of craft guild, detailed it's rights and duties. Some of the norms of «Remeslennoe polozhenie» repeated old traditional and well established laws, only generalizing local differences in functioning of the guilds. According to the new legislation guild Council completely controlled lives of the guilds. Council supervised work of the masters, established salary and regulated relations between masters, apprentices and students. Guilds were obliged to do charity work: help orphans, church, financially support poor and sick guild members of the guild. For example, guilds found doctors and bought meds for the sick craftsmen. According to the «Remeslennoe polozhenie» only craftsmen of one type could form a guild. But the guild could be formed by not less than five craftsmen of one town. First of all new law changed and regulated relations between main social groups in the guilds. The strict terms of studying for students and apprentices were established. The certificate, which was received after the completion of the study and successfully passing an exam, gave the right to practice chosen craft in any guild of the country. The new legislation also created strict moral code for the students and masters. Guild members were supposed to work six days a week, from six to six with two breaks. «Remeslennoe polozhenie» also regulated relations between town administration and guilds. «Remeslennoe polozhenie» was supposed to be read every four month, so that all guild members knew it. Also, «Remeslennoe polozhenie» of 1785 ...

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