Open Access BASE2020

Комунікація під час пандемії: стильові особливості офіційного контенту


Moyseenko K., Hudoshnyk O. Communication in the hour of pandemic: the features style of the official content The present article investigates different content and the forms of broadcasting of the official content. The period of studying of this topic is February-March 2020. The study concerned the content that the authorities broadcast in their appeals to the people, as well as information on social networks. Communication was examined in the light of the CHOVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the scientific work is to analyze this content on a global, national and regional levels. The study was conducted by exploiting two methods, such as descriptive and comparative ones. The descriptive method was used to study the content of the sites, social networks, and personal pages. The comparative method allowed to compare the content and the forms of official content on different levels. The world community has already had the experience of communication in crisis situations. The scientific novelty of this study can be explained by the fact that the world first encountered COVID-19. The government's response to the crisis (in particular, communication with citizens) affects loyalty and mood of the society. The study of communication during the pandemic is relevant because of the success of this experience. The study showed that the world community has a common opinion on the pandemic: this problem can be solved with a process of cooperation among all countries. At the national level, we can observe the phenomenon of personification of the official content. In Ukraine, the audience positively perceives the way of communication through social networks and messengers. Some city council heads introduce similar communication methods in their regions. The crisis situation represents new ways of communication and impact on the people. It can be expected that the authorities will continue to use the Internet as a channel for communication with the audience because of success of this experience.

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