Open Access BASE2020

Protection of human's dignity in the legal system of the European Union (specification of separate rights)


The article is devoted to fundamental freedoms such as the right to respect for human dignity and the right to health protection in the legal framework of the European Union. Respect for the human being as the unique bio-psychosocial value, recognition and ensuring his/her rights and freedoms, dignity and honor, in particular by providing an access to minimal social benefits which can enable an adequate living standard as well as guaranteeing by a government of its country the protection against encroachments on above mentioned legal categories, these are the unswerving standards on which is based the legal ideology of the developed European countries. The effectiveness of a certain inherent human right is defined by real results which can be achieved by the implementation of legal rules. A government should carry out legal and organizational arrangements in order to accomplish desirable results. Obviously, the democratic legal framework should protect human's right and freedoms, reproduce and implement the principles of the rule of law, ensure a «quality» of a law on the level of national law. All above mentioned should be done because a legal framework should implement legal provisions on the idea that a human is the highest social value. The quality of the European legal framework is in the protection of the values, common to whole mankind, cultural heritage, both at the level of primary and secondary legal rules as well as at the level of constitutional legislation. The major task of the legal framework is creation, implementation and realization of the clearly-defined and stable legal ground for the full range of social relationships and its dynamics

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