Open Access BASE2020

Colors in Arabic Lexicology


Colors are one of the most important phenomena allowing the man to recognize the world and communicate with the beings around it. Color is one of the main arguments shaping our world, allowing us to relate to the environment in which we exist, and mediate in perceiving the environment. It is necessary to review the Arabian history, poetry and literature, not only to understand the Arabian perception or Arabian values, but also the old poems of the society in which the Qur'an was revealed. In addition to colors, images and connotations used in ancient Arabic poetry, it is also worth knowing the characteristics of the phenomenon of color in the Arabic culture. We can read the social codes from the old Arabian Jahiliyya period with the phenomenon of color, and thus understand how it affects the Arabian people and society. We believe that one way to understand the Qur'an, which has influenced the world both in terms of religion and in political context, is to understand the old Arabian poetry. Even when viewed only in this way, we see how important colors can be on people and society. When we think that the old Arabian poetry is a result of the cultural accumulation of ancient Arabian peoples, it is understood that the legacy they carry to future generations acts as a bridge. It should be seen that, just as the life format offered by the desert, which is indispensable to the ancient new Arabian peoples, had an effect on the mind, memory and perception of those who live on it, the colors might have such an effect on this life format as well. If it is seen that the means that is called "language" in human life is essential to communication, the same things must be considered for colors. The language is essential for communication, and so is the color. It is known that the means which is called "language" is not only a grammatical series but a mystery turning around the mind, letters and words. Then it turns into a ghost coming out of the mouth and turning into magical expressions, sometimes in the form of a tool that ...

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