Open Access BASE2020

Genetic risks in the entropy age of history. The pandemic


Update. Abstract. We publish in March this rather complex review of what already in our 1992 book, 'the extinction of man', we considered to be one of the 3 risks of extinction of mankind, all coming from 'lower scales of the 5th dimension of space-time', with 'faster' speeds of reproduction hence able to kill mankind: Biological faster reproductive 'virions' and metal nano-bacteria imitating them (Genetic risks); Self-feeding nuclear 'cosmic bombs', black holes and strangelets made of heavier quarks that reproduce exponentially and can be made in accelerators of the next plasma generation cheaply or now at CERN, which will provoke a Nova Explosion of Earth (Nuclear Risk) and Military AI and AI in general which is displacing with the robotic r=evolution humans from labor and war fields. The Genetic risk came and provoked with the evolution of genetic manipulation tools the present pandemic. The Nuclear risk is total extinction, and will happen at the speed of a nuclear bomb reaction, so when it happened it won't be chronicled. It just will take the world down. Hence its researchers cannot be blamed. The third risk is the slow process of atrophy and substitution of huminds by metal-minds and it is obviously already affecting our children. All of them will proceed for the profits of Technological industries. And all those risks are censored in peer reviewed magazines. So the suicidal species will go ahead without even talking about it, because in a capitalist society go(L)d and the machine are the supreme goods. This said, we have a much wider view and consider the 'entropic' extinction age of mankind unless the miracle of a change of culture or economic r=evolution happens, but we have preached for 30 years without results such changes, deterministic, as most process of life and death of organisms, in this case mankind. So we dedicate 3 final pages to the entropic age of History and the Earth, one to each of those risks: - The genetic risk of the present pandemics is this paper. - The Nuclear risk, which ...

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