Open Access BASE2020

The problems of applying "updated" compensation for infringement of copyright and (or) related rights (based on the analysis of case law)


The author analyzed the changes in the legal regulation of the institution of one-time monetary compensation for infringement of copyright and (or) related rights. The legal nature of the new compensation, its significance for judicial protection of infringed copyright and related rights has been studied; the latest case law on the application of compensation and its calculation was studied and analyzed. The article focuses on the problematic aspects of determining and proving the amount of compensation. Conclusions are made about the imperfection of the new legislative provisions, their terminological and substantive shortcomings that create problems in practice. The author emphasizes that the "new" compensation should be considered as losses in the form of lost profits, which are recovered many times over. This indicates the presence of penalty elements of this sanction. The determination of the amount of compensation should be based on the principles of proving the amount of damages. For this reason, "new" compensation cannot perform the function of simplified protection of copyright and (or) related rights. Thus, it lost its original significance as an alternative method of protection. The author believes that the establishment of a multiple amount of compensation depending on the form of guilt of the offender is not inherent in the institution of civil liability. This approach requires the development of a clear design for intentional and negligent copyright or related infringement. The author argues that the lack of uniform understanding and application of the new category of compensation requires improvement of regulatory wording. The conclusions offer recommendations for resolving inconsistencies in regulations.

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