Open Access BASE2020

TRIPLE Deliverable: D1.3 Data Management Plan


Research carried out in the SSH occurs across a wide array of disciplines and languages. While this specialization makes it possible to investigate a bewildering range of different topics, it also leads to a fragmentation that prevents SSH research from reaching its full potential. Use and reuse of SSH research is not as high as one might desire it to be, interdisciplinary collaboration possibilities are often missed, and as a result, the societal impact of this research can often be limited. TRIPLE strives to address these issues. With a consortium of 19 partners, TRIPLE proposes an integrated multilingual and multicultural solution for the appropriation of SSH resources. The TRIPLE platform will seek to provide an enhanced discovery experience thanks, in large part, to the linked exploration functionalities provided by the ISIDORE search engine, developed and maintained by CNRS-HumaNum 1. TRIPLE aims to be a coherent solution providing innovative tools to support Research (including tools for visualisation, annotation, trust building system, crowdfunding, social network and recommender system). Moreover TRIPLE will propose new ways to conduct and to discover research and will connect researchers, consortiums and institutions with other stakeholders (citizens, policy makers, companies) enabling them to formulate and articipate in research projects and respond to other issues. TRIPLE will be a dedicated service of OPERAS RI and seeks to become a strong service in the EOSC marketplace. ; The Report awaits official approval by the EU Project Officer. --- The TRIPLE project (, which is financed under the Horizon 2020 framework (, under Grant Agreement No. 863420, with approx. 5.6 million Euros for a duration of 42 months (2019-2023). --- At the heart of the project is the development of the TRIPLE platform, an innovative multilingual and multicultural discovery solution.

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