Open Access BASE2021

Sustainable Management of Sago (Metroxylon Spp) Agroindustry in East Indonesia


Utilization of the available potential of sago resources is one of the efforts that can be done in order to fulfill food needs which are increasingly in demand from time to time. Management of sago resources requires effective planning to reduce the risk of resource decline as a guarantee of sustainability. This research was carried out from December 2020 to February 2021 in East Indonesia, especially in east Seram Regency. It involved 14 stakeholder representatives from the local government, Regional House of Representatives members, non-governmental organizations and sago farmers. By using participatory prospective analysis (PPA) this study had identified the seven most influential variables in governing the sago agroindustry which are reflected in the weighted global forces, that are: market guarantees, stakeholder participation, government policies, supporting infrastructure, IKM (Public Satisfaction Index/PSI) units, increasing farmer human resources and economic activities. As a follow-up, this study has also formulated strategic implications as an anticipatory effort in the form of an action plan, that are: encouraging regional policies to establish sago as a regional superior commodity and creating market guarantees, maximizing stakeholder participation in managing sago agroindustry to increase community economic activity, fulfilling supporting infrastructure for increasing production and processing of sago, growing PSI units and increasing farmers' human resources capacity in managing sustainable sago agroindustry. It is suggested for the local government to take advantage of the identified variables as an entry point to build an effective plan in maximizing the management of the available sago resource potential.

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