Open Access BASE2021

Chernihiv province and county ages of the period of the Ukrainian state


The article examines the regional features of the functioning of the Ukrainian State during the Hetmanate period on the example of specific archival documents of the Chernihiv Provincial Starost Fund. The main functions of the provincial and county elders are outlined, as well as the procedure for building their relationship in resolving personnel, financial and other issues at the provincial level. In Ukraine, the formation of local executive structures of Hetman Ukraine in 1918 was studied in different years by: V. Galatyr and V. Lozovy, D. Doroshenko, S. Kalytko, S. Konik, O. Myronenko, R. Pirig, T. Marchenko, I. Yaremenko and others. The purpose of the article is to analyze some aspects of formation and definition of functional responsibilities of managerial positions at the level of provinces and counties - provincial and county elders of the period of the Ukrainian State on the example of Chernihiv province. It should be noted that the affairs of the Chernihiv Provincial Starost Fund consist mainly of correspondence between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian State and the Provincial Starost, as well as the Provincial Starost with county starost and city and zemstvo local governments on financial support and socio-economic development of the province. Methodological basis and research methods. The set tasks were solved by means of a complex of the general complementary scientific methods, among which: system; historical, which made it possible to study in dynamics the processes of creation and development of institutions of provincial and county elders on the basis of archival documents of the State Archives of Chernihiv region; comparative, which was used to determine certain aspects of the newly created responsibilities of provincial elders, etc.

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