Open Access BASE2021

Державний механізм протидії корупції


The adoption of democratic principles of the rule of law, equality of all before the law today has become one of the priority tasks of our state. The basis for this was a series of events that took place in Ukraine and forced the state to go through the leading countries of the world with a developed democracy, in particular European ones. However, despite all the efforts, there are a number of problems that hinder the processes of full and qualitative development of the state, which must be opposed by all, both the state and the public. The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of counteraction to corruption as one of the negative phenomena that hinders the economic development of the state, parasitizing throughout the organism of Ukrainian society. It is emphasized that existing in society, as a product of social relations, corruption permeates various social spheres of society, deforms various groups of social relations. It is stressed that corruption can be considered as a kind of social corrosion, which erodes and destroys public authorities, in particular, the state and society as a whole. The article reveals the content of corruption, its types and forms. It is indicated that corruption is a social phenomenon that has a social conditionality and patterns of social development and influence on social processes. The social nature of corruption manifests itself first and foremost in the fact that it has historical origins and social preconditions. Clarification of the essence of corruption eventually proves the reliability of the results of scientific research, since this moment in comparison with all other points of the problem of counteraction to corruption is a key, basic for all others. The importance of this issue for practical activity in the field of combating corruption lies in the fact that the formation of a strategy and such activity, the formulation of its goals, the determination of the forces and means of their achievement, the content and level of normative, material, ...

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