Open Access BASE2022

Political Economy as a Development Science


If the beginning of the 21st century, with its rapid changes, somewhat led into deep confusion of the world in general and the country in particular, then the arisen is unknown from where Covid 19 and the so-called digitalization are already testing the strength of the human community once again and even more with tough manifestations. Target attitudes, formed over decades, are shifted in the criteria. Living preferences, built priorities, prevailing moral but ethical standards. Of course, the forms of social consciousness, among which economic science, if you use a generalizing term is crucial. And the history of countries with their various characteristics confirms this, as well as the fact that science itself is not represented is a set of dogmas or once and for all frozen truths. Economic science, reflecting, to one degree or another, the cyclically developing economic world, also changes its object, subject, methodological approaches, tools analysis.

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