Open Access BASE2022

30 Years of Development of the Possibilities of Human Perception of the World (a Thoughtful Splash at the International Symposium "Philosophy of Economy as a Holistic Worldview")


The aim of this publication is to examine the philosophy of the economy through the prism of political economy, providing a non-dogmatic view of economic civilisation and the scientific economy. The task here, while proceeding from economically rational premises, is to characterise the scientific school of the philosophy of the economy on the basis of vital, emotional empathy with the ideas of Yury Mikhailovich Osipov. A further task of the publication is to attempt to explain which of Osipov's ideas on the philosophy of the economy arose as questions of political economy evolved, and which owe their origins to the mechanisms of cooperation that Russian scholars, as a consequence of particular economic processes, adopted from the 1990s. A comparison of the emotional possibilities that flow from embracing the positions of Professor Yury Mikhailovich Osipov shows them correlating with the social needs of scholars for recognition, success, and social capital. The professor's view of the OTHER, it is suggested, should be seen as a complex mix made up of "biology, upbringing, and the moral norms of society", a mix that is not subject to false information in a world where the available data are insufficient for making correct decisions. A case is made for regarding the new political economy and the philosophy of the economy as twin sisters.

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