Open Access BASE2022



The relationship between translation and religion, as well as between the translator and the development of religious attitude and behaviour, is of interest to many sciences such as psychology, anthropology, or the sociology of religion, but also to translating. The concept of "monastic translation" (Bueno 2007), or more broadly "religious translation", supports this approach. The relationship of the sacred scriptures with their author undoubtedly marks some differences in translation, which also influence their reception. The identity of the translator is also an important factor in understanding the commitment to the work and function of the target text. The time and space in which this translation work takes place undoubtedly condition the result and allow for the consideration of multiple variants and consequences of their task. The consequences and impact of religious translation on different societies or political systems are measured from the Ancient Age to the Middle Ages and from the Middle Ages to Humanism, the Modern Age or the Contemporary Age. In the age of geographical discovery, the expansion of religions and their translations had very different consequences, depending on the identity of the populations or the character of the recipients of the religious message. Starting from the most well-known religions and the translation activity carried out within them, we analyse here the characteristics of the text, the behaviour of the translator (believer or non-believer, apologetic or critical of the religious system in question) and the value of the translation from multiple perspectives: linguistic, religious, anthropological, sociological, political, etc. From a more general point of view, the value of contemporary or past texts is also examined, as well as the reactions of the recipient to the translated texts, whether they are from the same or a different period.

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