Open Access BASE2021

Intellectual Property: Political and Legal Issues in the Context of International Relations


The protection of intellectual property was crucial for stimulating innovation even before the word coronavirus became widespread. Without the protection of the ideas of the enterprise and the individual, scientists and inventors would not be able to take full advantage of their inventions and would focus less on research and development. Likewise, if artists do not receive full remuneration for their artwork, cultural viability suffers as a result. Several studies have shown that most US small businesses are unaware that their US patent or trademark does not protect them in other countries. If such a company is a real or potential exporter, it may find that foreign manufacturers have copied products, packaging, and business plans, even though the company has never done business abroad. Foreign forgers can easily steal product images, brochures and logos from a website and register these materials as their own inventions in their home country if the company has not registered them in the inventor's home country. For this reason, various national governments have begun to take practical steps to monitor intellectual property policies. The objective of this paper is to briefly describe the problems in the political dimension of the industry.

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