Open Access BASE2020

Local policies and boundary conditions for PEHs


In the CULTURAL-E project, four representative multifamily residential buildings will be built in Norway, France, Germany and Italy as Residential Energy Plus Buildings. Different policies and related boundary conditions in each country have a great influence on the successful implementation of plus energy concepts. The current deliverable "National and local regulatory frame and boundary conditions" gives an overview of the legislation and requirements in each country and shows how they impact the spread of PEB concepts, with the help of a practical example. Therefore, national funding schemes and local policies were analysed in regard to support renewable energy generation in buildings and favor the connection with the electric grid and other district buildings (e.g. direct delivery of power to neighbour buildings, grid feed-in) as well as the local energy market (e.g. energy prices, feed-in tariff) and foreseen developments and environmental aspects. The present report summarized the results of this analysis. The results will be also included in the European Climate and Cultural Atlas for Plus Energy Building design (2CAP-Energy Atlas).

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