Open Access BASE2018

Common frameworks in Switzerland : cantonal autonomy in a confederation


Since the founding of the modern state of Switzerland in 1848, Switzerland is a confederation of 26 relative autonomous cantons. In contrast to other federations, the Swiss cantons are the units that give competences to the federal level and not the other way around. The allocation of competences and responsibilities between the three levels of government (national, cantonal and communal) is a complex system, which forms the backbone of Swiss style federalism. As a result of a comprehensive reform project entitled "national fiscal equalization" (NFE), in effect since 2008, a wide range of mechanism for task allocations have been defined more clearly. With the NFE, the federation and the cantons are obliged to revise the actual allocation of responsibilities every four years.




ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften



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