Open Access BASE2022

The first undergraduate program in health promotion and prevention in Switzerland : context, concept, and challenges


In 2016, the only undergraduate program in health promotion and prevention (HP) in Switzerland to date was launched at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. HP in Switzerland is well institutionalized and anchored in health politics, but the profession of HP practitioners is not well established yet. The conceptualization of HP as outlined in the Ottawa Charta makes it quite complex to teach and learn HP within an undergraduate program. The program (180 ECTS) is offered as a full-time (3 years) and part-time (5 years) program to a maximum of 66 students. The outlined learning outcomes are based on the CompHP to ensure international transferability of HP competencies. The focus is on a threefold methodological approach, consisting of (1) practical training, (2) skills training (research, project management, and communication), and (3) interprofessional training. Experiences with 5 years of program implementation have revealed challenges, e.g., adapting the form of study to the current trend of flexible education to enable more self-directed learning opportunities and promoting better employability of the graduates. By providing a supportive learning environment for HP, the program contributes to publicity and quality assurance in practice and policy of HP in Switzerland and internationally.

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