
Націоналізм і демократія: суспільство національне чи суспільство громадянське?

In: Studia Orientalne, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 204-217

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The article deals with the theoretical aspects of correlation between national society and civil society and based on historical experience of the NIS, which geopolitically and stratificationally located in the Eastern European semi-periphery. The priority of a nation and state building over the development of civil society is declared. In the case of the NIS of Eastern European semi-periphery powerful national state, which is based on a strong national society, is regarded as the main foundation of developed civil society. Nation and nation-state are proved to be the results of long term integration and the historical processes. It is stressed that national community is much more integrated and rooted in history than regional integration communities. Civil society is regarded as a source of some threat forthe national security of NIS.


Wydawnictwo Adam Marszalek



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