
Philosophical tales



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The tales -- The ancients -- Socrates the sorcerer (469 BCE) -- The different forms of Plato (circa 427-347 BCE) -- Aristotle the aristocrat (384 -- circa 322 BCE) -- More ancients -- Lao Tzu changes into nothing (sixth to fifth century BCE) -- Heraclitus : the dark side of the river (c. fifth century BCE) -- Pythagoras counts up to ten (c. 570-495 BCE) -- Hypatia, holds up half of the sky (circa 70-415 CE) -- Medieval philosophy -- Augustine the Hippocrite (354 -- 430 C.E.) -- Thomas Aquinas disputes the existence of God (1225-74) -- Modern philosophy -- Descartes the dilettante and more Descartes (1596-1650) -- Hobbes squares the circle (1588-1679) -- Spinoza grinds himself away ... (1632-1677) -- Enlightened philosophy -- John Locke invents the slave trade (1632-1704) -- The many faces of David Hume (1711-1776) -- Rousseau the rogue (1712-78) -- Kant, the chinaman of Knigsburg (and his rule-bound existence) (1724-1804) -- The idealists -- Gottfried Leibniz, the thinking machine (1646-1716) -- Bishop Berkeley's Bermuda College (1685-1753) -- Headmaster Hegel and the dangerous lesson of history (1770-1831) -- Arthur Schopenhauer and his landlady (1788-1860) -- The romantics -- The seduction of Soren Kierkegaard (1813- circa 1853) -- Mill's poetical turn (1806-73) -- Henry Thoreau and life in the shed (1817-1862) -- Marx's revolutionary materialism (1818-83) -- Recent philosophy -- Russell denotes domething (1872-1970) -- The ripping yarn of Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) -- Heidegger's tale (and the Nazis) (1889-1976) -- Sapir-whorf and the colour pinker (c.1900-1950) -- Being Sartre and not definitely not being De Beauvoir (1905-80 and not 1908-86) -- Deconstructing Derrida (1930-2005).

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Philosophical tales



Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft




Blackwell Pub


9781444301045, 1444301047

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