
After Charlie Hebdo: terror, racism and free speech

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Introduction:Becoming symbolic : from Charlie Hebdo to "Charlie Hebdo" /Gavan Titley --Charlie Hebdo, republican secularism and Islamophobia /Aurélien Mondon and Aaron Winter --Meaning of "Charlie" : the debate on the troubled French identity /Philippe Marlière --After the drama : the institutionalisation of gossiping about Muslims /Valérie Amiraux and Arber Fetiu --Double-bind situation? : the depoliticisation of violence and the politics of compensation /Abdellali Hajjat --Whiteness of innocence : Charlie Hebdo and the metaphysics of anti-terrorism in Europe /Nicholas De Genova --Visible hand of the state /Gholam Khiabany --Symbolic politics with brutally real effects : when "nobodies" make history /Markha Valenta --Extremism, theirs and ours : Britain's "generational struggle" /Arun Kundnani --From Jyllands-Posten to Charlie Hebdo : domesticating the Mohammed cartoons /Carolina Sanchez Boe --#JeSuisCharlie, #JeNeSuisPasCharlie and ad hoc publics /Simon Dawes --Mediated narratives as competing histories of the present /Annabelle Sreberny --Media power and the framing of the Charlie Hebdo attacks /Des Freedman --We hate to quote Stanley Fish, but : "there is no such thing as free speech, and it's a good thing too." Or is it? /Bill Grantham and Toby Miller --Jouissance and submission : "free speech", colonial diagnostics and psychoanalytic responses to Charlie Hebdo /Anne Mulhall --Not afraid /Ghassan Hage --"Je suis Juif" : Charlie Hebdo and the remaking of antisemitism /Alana Lentin --Race, caste and gender in France /Christine Delphy --Ideology of the Holy Republic as part of the colonial counter-revolution /Selim Nadi.

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